Category: Aktualności

Comments from the President of the PKEE Governing Board on the ERO tariffs for 2023

Today's decision by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office regarding the sale of electricity in the G tariff for households for 2023 will not have a significant impact on the net price of electricity for most households in Poland.

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December 17, 2022

Polish Energy Transition Path - the latest EY and PKEE report

The presentation of the achievements of the Polish energy sector and the presentation of the industry's plans for the coming years are the main issues raised in the report 'Poland's Energy Transformation Path'. It shows, among other things, that outlays for the transformation of the Polish energy sector, taking into account shielding measures, could amount to as much as EUR 135 billion by 2030. A comprehensive analysis was

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December 15, 2022

PKEE: Central and Eastern Europe Energy Forum

The Central and Eastern European Energy Forum organised by the Polish Electricity Committee concluded in Warsaw. The topics discussed were issues of energy security in the region. - We are currently witnessing the biggest energy crisis in 70 years, caused by the dependence of European countries on energy resources from Russia. It is the countries of our region that have been warning for years that the

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November 8, 2022

What is the future of the EU’s energy sector?

Discussing the issues surrounding the challenges and costs of the energy transition was the focus of a debate organised by Euractiv in collaboration with the Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE). The event, attended by EU decision-makers and representatives of energy sector associations as well as leading think tanks, took place on 25 October 2022 in Brussels. Opening

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October 25, 2022

PKEE campaign launches against Russian disinformation in the energy sector

Ahead of the approaching winter, facing the wave of Russian disinformation, the Polish Electricity Committee's nationwide education and information campaign "We are fighting for Polish independence" is being launched. - Our response to the Kremlin's propaganda is factual knowledge about energy, about the causes of price increases and about what not only the Polish government, but also the energy sector is doing to

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October 3, 2022

Energy price determination on the Commodity Exchange, or how the marginal price mechanism works

By law, the electricity produced should be sold on the power exchange (barring statutory exceptions). Wholesale trading takes place on the forward market and the spot market, where prices are set with reference to the price offered by the most expensive generating unit covering demand at a given point in time (the so-called 'marginal price'). Current market price

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September 27, 2022

Energy price formation mechanisms

Electricity prices on the Polish and European markets are shaped in accordance with market mechanisms, strictly defined by the legislation in force. The level of wholesale energy prices at which sellers buy it remains under pressure from high gas and coal prices and the cost of purchasing CO2 emission allowances. As a result, companies selling electricity to households

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September 1, 2022

IBRiS survey results: Poles only think they know which devices in their home consume the most electricity

Air-conditioning, induction hobs, kettles and ovens are the appliances that Poles believe consume the most electricity. This is shown by the results of a survey conducted by IBRiS for the Polish Electricity Association. Meanwhile, rankings of household appliances that consume the most electricity show a large discrepancy between declarations and reality. In such a situation, are we actually able to save electricity? During

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August 30, 2022

IBRiS survey: Poles confirm that they pay more attention to electricity consumption, but the practice varies

This holiday season, as many as 69 per cent of Poles plan to pay more attention to their electricity consumption than in previous years. Rising electricity prices make the rational use of electrical appliances particularly important for households. Because although as consumers we have no influence on electricity prices, we can to a large extent

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July 26, 2022

Position of the Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) regarding the REPowerEU chapters in recovery and resilience plans

The exceptional situation in the energy markets caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine requires Europe to revise its energy transition plans. We need to be better prepared to meet the new challenges while building energy security for the European Union as a whole and its individual regions. The current situation shows that there is no turning back from the path towards climate neutrality. Not

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July 25, 2022