Energy price formation mechanisms

Electricity prices on the Polish and European markets are shaped in accordance with market mechanisms, strictly defined by the legislation in force. The level of wholesale energy prices at which sellers buy it remains under pressure from high gas and coal prices and the cost of purchasing CO2 emission allowances. As a result, companies selling electricity to households

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September 1, 2022

IBRiS survey results: Poles only think they know which devices in their home consume the most electricity

Air-conditioning, induction hobs, kettles and ovens are the appliances that Poles believe consume the most electricity. This is shown by the results of a survey conducted by IBRiS for the Polish Electricity Association. Meanwhile, rankings of household appliances that consume the most electricity show a large discrepancy between declarations and reality. In such a situation, are we actually able to save electricity? During

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August 30, 2022

IBRiS survey: Poles confirm that they pay more attention to electricity consumption, but the practice varies

This holiday season, as many as 69 per cent of Poles plan to pay more attention to their electricity consumption than in previous years. Rising electricity prices make the rational use of electrical appliances particularly important for households. Because although as consumers we have no influence on electricity prices, we can to a large extent

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July 26, 2022

IBRiS survey: Poles are most motivated to save electricity by reducing costs

According to the latest IBRiS survey, for 86 per cent of Poles the key argument in favour of reducing electricity consumption is the desire to reduce bills, while for 72 per cent it is concern for the environment. - concern for the environment. Interestingly, as many as 91 per cent consider themselves to be electricity savers. The crisis on the electricity market caused by, among other things

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July 20, 2022

Energy Post & PKEE debate - "40% RES by 2030: EU’s latest investment challenge to DSOs"

Discussing issues related to access to financial support, especially in countries starting from a weaker starting point, and support for DSOs in implementing innovation in new technologies were the main objectives of a debate organised by Energy Post in cooperation with the Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE). The meeting, attended by European Union officials, representatives of the

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June 30, 2022

Energy counts - 34 % respondents noticed PKEE educational campaign

From January to March, the Polish Electricity Committee implemented the 'Energy Counts' campaign, the main objective of which was to build consumer awareness of rational electricity consumption and the factors shaping energy prices. According to a survey conducted after its completion, the Campaign was noticed by 34% Poles. The "Energy counts" campaign was

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June 20, 2022