Position on the call for feedback on EU Taxonomy

Position paper on the EU regulation and TEG report on sustainable financing (taxonomy) The Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) supports the development of a common language with a clear framework for investors and entrepreneurs. The main objective of the taxonomy must be to provide the best conditions for investments to make the transformation happen in a cost-effective way. Due to the different starting points and structures [...]
Comments on the European Union's low-emission 2050 strategy

The European Commission's "Clean Planet for All - A European long-term strategic vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate-neutral economy" strategy has opened up a broad debate on how Europe should develop in the 2050 horizon. As the Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) - we fully agree with the idea of the EU policy of [...]
In Brussels on the development of Baltic offshore

Discussing issues related to wind energy development in the Baltic Sea is the main objective of the second edition of the Summer Day event organised by the Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE). The meeting attended by European Union officials, new members of the European Parliament, heads of companies, representatives of organisations accredited in Brussels and the press was held on 10 July 2019 in the Belgian capital. Opening the event, President [...]
PKEE CEO Henryk Baranowski about energy transition during Power Summit 2019 in...

XI European Economic Congress in Katowice

This Monday sees the start of the XI European Economic Congress in Katowice - one of the most important events of its kind in Central Europe. As every year, an international group of entrepreneurs, investors and experts, accompanied by politicians from Poland, the European Union and the world, will participate in a series of discussions and meetings, co-creating a wide [...]
The comment of the Polish Electricity Association on the Tempus Legal Action against the Polish Capacity Market.

The Polish Electricity Committee comments on legal action taken by Tempus Energy against the European Commission's decision approving the Polish power market. Tempus Energy has recently filed a legal action challenging the European Commission's decision to notify Poland's power market mechanism. Although the content of Tempus Energy's complaint has not yet been published, [...]
COP24 Katowice

Position of the Polish Electricity Committee on the outcome of the negotiations concerning the draft Directive on common rules for the internal market in electricity and the Regulation on the internal market in electricity

The Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) welcomes the conclusion of negotiations on the preliminary agreement on the last documents of the "Clean Energy for All Europeans" Package (the so-called "Winter Package"), which is necessary to fully implement the Energy Union. The result is the result of a long series of talks between representatives of the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of [...]
PKEE at the COP24 has summed up the power sector's measures for cleaner air

On 11 December, the Polish Pavilion at COP 24 was devoted to the summary of actions connected with the improvement of air quality. During their speeches, representatives of the Polish Electricity Association spoke about the systemic solutions proposed by energy suppliers, and also presented a report entitled 'Energetics loves clean air', devoted to the analysis of the main causes of the so-called low emissions. 11 December was the day [...] at COP24.
Energy industry also wants to protect the climate