Below we present an English-language PKEE brochure containing a lot of little-known (especially in Western Europe), but very interesting and surprising information about the Polish energy industry. To download:
Power market - PKEE report

Failure to implement the power market will cost over PLN 10 billion annually. From the consumers' perspective, it may cause serious consequences in the form of a drastic fall in social welfare. The cheapest way to improve the state's energy security will be introduction of the power market - wrote experts of the Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) in their report. The report is entitled "Power market or how to avoid blackout". The report entitled "Power market - how to avoid blackout. Analysis of the [...]
Franco-German report

Discussion of the report produced by BDEW and UFE Download:
Renewable energy sources in Germany

Renewable energy sources are becoming an increasingly important part of the Polish energy mix. As a country we are only at the beginning of the road which our western neighbours have been consistently following for over a decade. The presented report is therefore an excellent opportunity to analyse where - as a sector and the whole economy - we may find ourselves in a few years. To download:
2030 Report - Synthesis

Poland's impact assessment of the EC's proposals for a climate and energy policy framework for 2020-2030 SYNTHESIS To download:
Chasing the dream: How much does it cost and is there an alternative?

Impact assessment of the proposed decarbonisation policy for the European Union economy by 2050 for Poland - alternative solutions To download: