Director of the Office of the Economic Society Polish Power Plants

Graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering at the Wrocław University of Technology. He also completed postgraduate studies in the field of management of capital companies at the University of Łódź and a study in Energy Management Planning in the Municipality.

He has been involved in the power and heat industry all his professional life, holding managerial positions in Elektrownia Bełchatów between 1984 and 1999 and management positions in Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Sp. z o.o. in Bełchatów (Vice President of the Management Board - Technical Director between 1999 and 2003, President of the Management Board - Chief Executive Officer between 2003 and 2009), and then in PGE Elektrownia Bełchatów SA (Member of the Management Board - Technical Director between 2009 and 2010). From September 2010 to December 2015, he was Vice President of the Management Board for Generation at PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna SA. He currently serves as Office Director at the Economic Society Polskie Elektrownie.

For two terms of office Vice President of the Management Board of the Economic Society of Polish Power Plants, Member and Vice President of the Council of the Economic Chamber of Polish Heat Engineering in Warsaw, he was an Expert of the Parliamentary Group for Power Engineering, participated in the work of the Sejm and Senate committees and problem teams. Speaker, lecturer at conferences and training courses, author of numerous publications in trade journals, expert witness in the field of power engineering.

  1. representing the Association outside,
  2. directing all activities of PKEE and managing its property,
  3. defining detailed rules of conducting business activity by PKEE,
  4. initiating and coordinating PKEE cooperation with other national and foreign associations,
  5. initiating and coordinating the work of PKEE Study Committees, disseminating in the country the results of work and materials of conferences, symposia and other activities in areas related to statutory objectives of PKEE,
  6. drawing up draft estimates of revenue and expenditure,
  7. adoption of PKEE by-laws,
  8. admitting new members to PKEE, excluding PKEE members and notifying expiration of membership,
  9. convening, setting the agenda and organising PKEE General Meetings, implementing General Meetings' resolutions and the Audit Committee's motions,
  10. Motion to grant or deprive of the honorary membership of PKEE,
  11. setting up and supervising the work of the administrative units of the PKEE m. setting deadlines for the payment of dues and the amount of membership fees.
The Governing Board is the governing, initiating and coordinating body of the PKEE. The competences of the Governing Board include, in particular: Close description

Council Bureau

Council members

  1. to carry out an annual audit of the association's activities and to draw up conclusions on this basis and to present them to the General Assembly and the Governing Board,
  2. carrying out ad hoc inspections of individual areas of the association's activity, if necessary,
  3. giving an opinion on the draft estimates of revenue and expenditure,
  4. making a motion to the General Assembly to discharge the members of the Governing Board.
The Audit Committee is the internal control body of the association, whose tasks include: Close description