Category: Aktualności


The Polish Electricity Committee would like to underline the great importance of the XXIV Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 24), which will be held from 3-14.12.2018. Katowice. Bearing in mind the key negotiations on the regulatory framework for the European Union's electricity market structure planned for the second half of the year, the upcoming

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July 11, 2018

The remarks by the Polish Electricity Association with regard to the Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union on Case C-5/16 concerning the complaint against the MSR Decision


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July 3, 2018

Poznań LOVES clean air

For the third time, the Polish Electricity Committee organised the debate 'ENERGETYKA loves clean air' in Poznań. On 27 June in the Concordia Design Conference Room, PKEE experts, local authorities, invited guests and residents took part in a debate on air pollution in their city. After Grudziądz and Jaworzno, the time has come for the capital of Wielkopolska. Out of 50

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June 27, 2018

Polish Electricity Committee discusses Italian experience with the functioning of power markets in the EU in Rome

Rome is the next capital city where PKEE, together with Euractiv, is organising a debate on the experience of the electricity market and the role of the power market. The series of events organised in countries with functioning power markets started with a debate in Madrid, followed by a debate in Paris. The expert debates are intended to provide expert input into the process of

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June 22, 2018

Polish Electricity Committee discusses in Paris the experience of power markets functioning in the EU

Dozens of experts took part in the Euractiv debate in Paris, organised by the PKEE. This was the second international discussion on the European electricity market. The series of events organised in countries with functioning power markets began with a debate in Madrid on Tuesday. The expert debates are intended as a contribution to the negotiations on EU electricity market regulation, which should

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June 21, 2018

Position of the Polish Electricity Association on the outcome of the negotiations regarding the Regulation on the management of the energy union and the Directive on energy efficiency

On 20 June 2018. Agreement was reached on the wording of the provisions of the Energy Union Governance Regulation ("EU Governance"), which will set out how the Integrated National Energy and Climate System will be prepared. Plans for 2021-2030 and the monitoring and reporting by Member States on the implementation of the European Union's energy and climate targets up to 2030. The compromise reached concerns

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June 20, 2018

Position of the Polish Electricity Association on the outcome of the negotiations on the Directive on the promotion of energy from renewable sources

On 14 June 2018, agreement was reached on the form of the provisions of the revised Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (RES Directive). The overall binding European target for 2030 will be 32% share of energy from renewable sources in gross final energy consumption. According to the Polish Electricity Committee, this is a very ambitious

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June 18, 2018

PKEE inaugurates series of conferences on power market in European capitals

First Madrid, then Paris and Rome, followed by a conclusion in Brussels. The Polish Electricity Committee inaugurated a series of conferences on the power market in the Spanish capital. The European electricity market is currently facing structural problems related to security of electricity supply due to shortages of capacity and financing. New investments are not enough to fill

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June 12, 2018

It is time to dispel the myth that Poland is the main obstacle in reducing CO2 emissions PKEE publishes footage showing Poland's role in reducing carbon emissions in connection with the COP 19 Climate Summit

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June 10, 2018

Position of the Polish Electricity Association on the proposal of the Multiannual Financial Framework of the European Union for 2021-2027

The European Commission on 2 May 2018. Presented its proposal for the European Union's Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for 2021-2027. Details of individual policies and spending programmes will be published between 29 May and 12 June 2018. The European Commission calls for the completion of the legislative process related to the MFF 2021-2027 before the European Parliament elections, which will take place

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June 9, 2018