Category: Aktualności

Future of the energy market in Poland. The growing role of the consumer in the energy industry

Changes in the electricity market and the impact of EU policy on the energy transition in Poland were the main topics of the debate held on 21 September 2021 during the European Economic Congress (ECC) at the initiative of the Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE). Representatives of the administration, academia and industry organisations discussed the most important issues for the energy market from the perspective of the

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September 21, 2021

Fit for 55 - support or challenge on the road to a just energy transition

The costs of the energy transition, including above all the social consequences, were among the main themes of the discussion organised as part of the European Economic Congress by the Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE). Representatives of the government, the Commission and the European Parliament, as well as companies from the energy sector, also responded to the question of whether the package sufficiently takes into account the specific circumstances of countries

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September 20, 2021

PKEE partner of the European Economic Congress

The Polish Electricity Committee cordially invites you to participate in the 13th edition of the European Economic Congress. The event will be held on 20-22 September in Katowice. The European Economic Congress is a broad and open forum for the exchange of experiences, opinions and knowledge about the Polish and also European economy, about the economic, social and technological conditions of its development. Congress speakers and guests

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September 16, 2021

Poland will not avoid electricity tariff liberalization. Introduction of an energy supplement as a way to protect vulnerable consumers

PKEE's analyses show that it is possible to carry out the process of deregulation of energy tariffs for households in a way that will not lead to unjustified increases in electricity prices for this group of electricity end users. The increase in the price of carbon dioxide emission allowances (resulting from the European Union's tightening climate policy) causes an increase in the

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August 20, 2021

The Polish Electricity Association’s view on the “Fit for 55” Package

The Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE) welcomes the publication of the 'Fit for 55' package, aligning EU legislation with the increased target of reducing emissions to at least 55% in 2030. The Polish energy sector believes that in order to achieve the newly adopted targets and significantly accelerate the decarbonisation of the power generation sector and ensure a fair energy transition, it is necessary to adopt a

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July 14, 2021

The Power Summit highlights

Discussing issues concerning the future of the European energy sector was the main objective of the Power Summit organised by Eurelectric. The meeting, attended by European Union officials, representatives of think tanks and European energy companies, took place from 25-28 May 2021. Over four days, the Power Summit was followed by 8 500 guests from 58 countries. Among the companies

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May 28, 2021

Energy Post & PKEE debate - "Fit for 55: financing a successful transition across Europe"

Discussing issues relating to financing the transformation of the energy sector was the main objective of a debate organised by Energy Post in cooperation with the Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE). The meeting, attended by European Union officials, representatives of think tanks and European industrial companies, took place on 18 May 2021. During the high-level panel, its participants -

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May 18, 2021

The Politico and PKEE debate: The coming shakeup of the EU Emissions Trading System

Discussing issues related to the upcoming revision of the directive establishing the ETS was the main objective of a debate organised by Politico in cooperation with the Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE). The meeting, attended by European Commission officials and representatives of energy sector associations, took place on 20 April 2021. Paweł Strączyński, chairman of the board of TAURON S.A. and

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April 20, 2021

Hydrogen, Sun, wind: Which ones can make the best contribution to Europe's energy transformation?

Discussing issues concerning the role of hydrogen, photovoltaic and wind farm technologies in Europe's future energy mix was the main objective of a debate organised by Euractiv in cooperation with the Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE). The meeting, attended by European Union officials and representatives of energy sector associations, took place on 16 March 2021. Adam Guibourgé-Czetwertyński, deputy minister

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March 16, 2021

Making power grids fit for the transition will create 500,000 jobs

Distribution networks are key in the digital and energy transition, as they provide a continuous and reliable flow of electricity, integrate most renewable energy sources, and enable new customer services. However, adapting them for use in an increasingly decarbonised, decentralised and digital electricity system requires an urgent acceleration of investment in Europe's networks

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January 14, 2021