President of the Management Board of PGE Energia Ciepła S.A., Member of the Management Board of PTEZ

He is a manager associated with the energy and financial sector from the beginning of his career. During this time, he has worked on major energy modernisation projects as well as privatisation and restructuring of the energy sector - both in Poland and abroad.

He gained extensive experience in an international environment working for Westinghouse, New York State Electric & GasCorporation, Arthur Andersen, Apache Corp. or Vertis Environmental Finance. He worked with Regulators in the US, Europe and Poland, negotiating the terms of deregulation and opening of the energy and gas market, creating a single and competitive market for gas and electricity in Europe, drafting guidelines and draft directives introducing systems of "coloured" certificates and mechanisms of cooperation between regulatory authorities in Europe. Expert at the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER).

In recent years, he has overseen the country's largest energy transition from coal-based energy to clean energy based on renewable energy (wind and solar), hydrogen and nuclear power. He oversaw acquisition projects, the restructuring of the Group and the development of low- and zero-carbon projects. At the listed, largest company in the country's electrical installation industry, he exercised corporate governance in the company's restructuring process.

Between 2010 and 2016, he sat on the board of the largest company in the energy sector in Poland. As Vice President for Operations and Trading, he was responsible for the Group's operational activities in coal mining, conventional power plants, coal-, gas- and biomass-fired CHP plants, electricity distribution renewable energy, wholesale and retail trade in electricity and gas on domestic and foreign markets, purchase of fuels and production raw materials, preparation and implementation of processes and IT systems supporting the operational activities of the company and the Group's business lines, planning, forecasting and economic analyses, and for technical and operational support for the First Polish Nuclear Power Plant project. He designed, developed and implemented enterprise management support systems (ERO). He sat on the board of the Polish Power Exchange. Prior to that, he developed the emissions trading market in Europe. Between 2003 and 2004, he co-authored the National Emission Reduction Plan. He managed the areas of energy and strategy and development at Elektrim and was responsible, among others, for arranging financing and construction of the Pątnów II power plant, acquisition of energy assets, development and implementation of restructuring processes in the Group's companies. At Arthur Andersen, he was involved in the energy sector and coordinated projects in this area. He conducted privatisation processes of companies in the energy sector for foreign investors and the Minister of the Treasury.

Graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the School of Business at the Warsaw University of Technology.

His hobbies include dancing, scuba diving, sailing, skiing and cycling.

  1. representing the Association outside,
  2. directing all activities of PKEE and managing its property,
  3. defining detailed rules of conducting business activity by PKEE,
  4. initiating and coordinating PKEE cooperation with other national and foreign associations,
  5. initiating and coordinating the work of PKEE Study Committees, disseminating in the country the results of work and materials of conferences, symposia and other activities in areas related to statutory objectives of PKEE,
  6. drawing up draft estimates of revenue and expenditure,
  7. adoption of PKEE by-laws,
  8. admitting new members to PKEE, excluding PKEE members and notifying expiration of membership,
  9. convening, setting the agenda and organising PKEE General Meetings, implementing General Meetings' resolutions and the Audit Committee's motions,
  10. Motion to grant or deprive of the honorary membership of PKEE,
  11. setting up and supervising the work of the administrative units of the PKEE m. setting deadlines for the payment of dues and the amount of membership fees.
The Governing Board is the governing, initiating and coordinating body of the PKEE. The competences of the Governing Board include, in particular: Close description

Council Bureau

Council members

  1. to carry out an annual audit of the association's activities and to draw up conclusions on this basis and to present them to the General Assembly and the Governing Board,
  2. carrying out ad hoc inspections of individual areas of the association's activity, if necessary,
  3. giving an opinion on the draft estimates of revenue and expenditure,
  4. making a motion to the General Assembly to discharge the members of the Governing Board.
The Audit Committee is the internal control body of the association, whose tasks include: Close description