PKEE will present the Polish Power Sector is Changing report at the COP24

6 December is dedicated to energy at COP24. Within its framework, the Polish Electricity Association will present a report on the contribution of the Polish energy sector to the implementation of the global climate policy. Its results will be discussed by prominent Polish and foreign authorities headed by Grzegorz Tobiszowski, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Energy. Events connected with the presentation of the PKEE report "Polish Power [...]

The contribution of the Polish energy sector to the implementation of global climate policy

On 6 December, during the Energy Day at COP24, the Polish Electricity Committee presented the results of a report on the contribution of the Polish energy sector to the implementation of the global climate policy. The presentation of the study was attended by Grzegorz Tobiszowski, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Energy. The event was also attended by representatives of the European Commission and the Polish and foreign power sector. The PKEE report presents the contribution [...]

PKEE will sum up innovations in the power sector during COP24

Polish Electricity Association will present a report "Power sector on the road to innovation" during COP Innovation Day. PKEE experts will participate in key debates concerning innovations in the power sector. On 5 December, during COP Innovation Day, at 3:15 p.m., Jacek Kościelniak, Member of the PKEE Governing Board, is scheduled to take part in the panel "E-mobility and hydrogen [...]

COP24, Day 1: The Polish Electricity Association on Just Transition for All and the plans for Silesia

The 24th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change began yesterday. The main topic of the panel discussions in the Polish Pavilion was a fair energy transformation. During the discussion, experts presented their conclusions, among other things, on significant differences in the power sector between European Union countries. The panellists included Krzysztof Laskowski, expert from Eurelectric, and Kazimierz Szynol, [...]

PKEE becomes the official Partner of COP24 - day one

Polish Electricity Association has become an official partner of COP24 in Katowice. Experts from the association representing the Polish electricity sector will actively participate in debates and events during the four days of the summit - on 3, 5, 6 and 11 December. On the first day of their presence at COP24, a discussion with them will focus on a fair energy transition. On Monday, the 24th session of the Conference [...]

PKEE partners with COP2

The Polish Electricity Association will actively participate in events during the COP24 Climate Summit, where representatives of government, business, science and industry will negotiate the directions of climate policy. The 24th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change begins this coming Monday. On 3 December 2018. at 12:10 and 14:15 Krzysztof Laskowski, expert [...]

Poland's National Energy Policy by 2040 as a contributor to long-term EU climate-energy policy

  The Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) welcomes the Ministry of Energy's ambitious proposal for Poland's Energy Policy 2040 in the context of the EU's long-term emissions reduction strategy. PKEE supports the main elements of the proposed Polish Energy Policy until 2040, namely: Rapid diversification and development of energy generation from low-carbon sources, which will lead to [...]

PKEE comments on Eurelectric's "Decarbonization pathways" study

A successful energy transition must be fair and conducted in such a way that no EU region is left behind, revealed the results of an Eurelectric study on decarbonisation pathways published yesterday. The study shows a strong link between decarbonisation enabled by electrification, which must be carried out according to the principle of a fair energy transition. The study confirms that member states have different starting points, [...]