PKEE & Politico debate: Applying a European CO2 Border Tax: From words to action
We cordially invite you to participate in the virtual debate of PKEE and Politico "Applying a European CO2 Border Tax: From words to action". The event will take place on 13 October between 16:30 and 17:30 and will be attended by Diederik Samsom, Head of Cabinet of Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans, Kathleen van Breempt Coordinator of the Parliamentary International Trade Committee (INTA), Frank Schulz President of ArcelorMittal Germany and [...]
PKEE's position on the review of Directive 2012/27 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on energy efficiency
The Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) believes that energy efficiency can play a significant role in achieving the objectives of the European Green Deal, but should not undermine the long-term prospects of the electrification of the EU economy. It is therefore necessary to provide adequate support to Member States and the revision of Directive 2012/27/EU should be carefully examined. Support for the implementation of existing legislation [...].
The PKEE position on the Inception Impact Assessment of the revision of Directive 2018/2001/EU on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources
Members of the Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) are active participants in the process of transformation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. They also implement investments aimed at further development of renewable energy sources (RES). The PGE Capital Group wants to offer 100% of green energy in 2050 based on the development of offshore wind energy (2.5 GW of offshore capacity by 2030), installations [...]
Member of the Management Board of PKEE and Vice-President of PGE Group Paweł Cioch spoke about the just energy transition in the context of the European Climate Law
Discussing issues related to the transformation of the European energy sector by 2050 in the context of the European Climate Law was the main objective of a debate organised by Euractiv in cooperation with the Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE). The meeting, attended among others by European Union officials, members of the European Parliament, representatives of think-tanks and representatives of energy companies, took place on September 9, 2020. Adam [...]
Debate PKEE and Euractiv: "European Climate Law: How to reach climate neutrality?"
PKEE & Euractiv Debate: "European Climate Law: How to reach climate neutrality?" We cordially invite you to participate in the PKEE and Euractiv virtual debate "European Climate Law - How to reach climate neutrality". The event will take place on 9 September between 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Clara de la Torre, Deputy Director General of DG Clima of the Commission will [...]
Polish Electricity Association's comments on the roadmap to the EU Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy
The potential of offshore wind energy in Poland is estimated at more than 10 GW by 2040 and it can make a significant contribution to reaching the RES targets. Therefore, according to the Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE), the European Union should promote the widespread deployment of offshore wind farms to meet ambitious climate targets and further strengthen Europe's leadership position in this [...]
PKEE & Politico debate: Applying a European CO2 Border Tax: From words to action
The clock is ticking to meet the Paris targets and limit global warming below 2 degrees Celsius by 2050.The EU has already shown strong leadership in reducing greenhouse gas emissions at the global level with its 2030 climate and energy framework and its long-term vision to become carbon neutral by 2050.However, leaders [...]
PKEE & EURACTIV debate: European Climate Law: How to reach climate neutrality?
Thanks to the climate law, Europe will be the first continent in the world to set a target of climate neutrality by 2050. Although this will have a positive impact on the environment, some sectors are expected to suffer from job losses. Other sectors will see a change in the way goods are produced, which will require retraining and upskilling of the workforce. Some [...]
The Polish Electricity Association's view on the EU Strategy for Energy System Integration and the EU Hydrogen Strategy
The Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) welcomes the European Commission's strategies promoting a holistic approach to the European Union's plans for achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and the development of key technologies to achieve this goal. PKEE agrees with the Commission's position on establishing electricity as an essential tool to decarbonise the economy with possible support for other solutions, under [...]
Position of the Polish Electricity Association on the Smart Sector Integration Strategy
The Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) stresses that electrification should be the flywheel of the transition to accelerate decarbonisation in other sectors of the economy. According to the report "Decarbonisation Pathways" published by Eurelectric, in 2050 electricity will play a leading role in the transport sector, accounting for 63% of total final energy consumption, and up to half of industrial processes will be directly electrified. A key reason for these changes [...]