Position on the European Climate Law proposal - update

The members of the Polish Committee for Electricity (PKEE) are aware of the challenges posed by climate change and are committed to further sustainable transformation to ensure energy security. The Polish energy sector is already committed to meeting the EU's climate and energy targets through ambitious plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, although these changes will require significant investment in the medium and [...]

Position on the Inception Impact Assessment of the Industrial Emissions Directive revision

The Polish Committee for Electricity (PKEE), taking note of the Commission's proposed amendments to the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED)[1] setting emission limits for industrial activities, takes the view that the current framework has already imposed significant obligations on electricity companies, and that further increases in this burden would undermine their ability to ensure security of electricity supply and a sustainable transition [...]

Position on the Inception Impact Assessment of the Commission Delegated Regulation on climate change mitigation and adaptation taxonomy

Position on preliminary impact assessment of the delegated act on sustainable financing (taxonomy) The Polish Committee for Electricity (PKEE) supports the idea of introducing sustainable financing requirements (taxonomy) and technical criteria for verification of their fulfilment in order to ensure transparency, as well as to establish an assessment framework for private investors, public institutions and market participants. The main objective of the taxonomy must be to ensure that the [...]

Position on the Inception Impact Assessment of the 2030 Climate Target Plan

  Members of the Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE), with their investment portfolios, actively contribute to the development of a low-carbon economy. Therefore, PKEE presents its position on the preliminary impact assessment of the 2030 climate targets plan. We would like to direct the European Commission's attention to several key aspects that should be taken into account in the impact assessment. In the opinion of PKEE, [...]

Position on Inception Impact Assessment of the carbon border adjustment mechanism

  The Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) believes it is particularly important to ensure that the newly designed carbon border price adjustment mechanism (CBAM) does not result in adverse effects, such as worsening the competitiveness of European industry. We note that the essence of CBAM should be primarily to limit net electricity imports from third countries not applying [...]

Position on Inception Impact Assessment of the revision of the Energy Taxation Directive

  The Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) agrees that achieving the objectives set out in the European Green Deal may require a broader discussion on possible changes to the current energy taxation rules. However, the decision to revise the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD) can only be taken after a thorough impact assessment of the implementation of new solutions and in line with well-established principles [...]

Members of the PKEE are ensuring the energy security of Poland and supporting the actions against coronavirus

Companies affiliated with the Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) have continued their operations in the face of the epidemic threat, ensuring continuity of electricity supply to millions of Poles. PGE, TAURON, Enea and Energa groups have adapted their work organisation models to ensure continuity of company operations and health protection for both employees and customers. Moreover, PKEE members actively support governmental and civic activities [...]

Wojciech Dąbrowski appointed as President of the Management Board of the PKEE

Wojciech Dąbrowski, President of the Management Board of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna, has been appointed Chairman of the Governing Board of the Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE). - I will strive to ensure that the Polish Electricity Committee effectively represents the Polish energy sector. One of my priorities is substantial and close cooperation with government administration, local authorities and industry representatives in order to develop systemic [...]

Position on the European Climate Law proposal

  Members of the Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) are aware of the challenges of climate change and share the ambition of the European Commission to overcome them together. Therefore, the Polish energy sector is already preparing for further sustainable transformation by ensuring security of supply and affordable energy prices. However, achieving the ambitious goal of climate neutrality by changing the energy fuel mix in [...]

Position on the Regulation establishing the Just Transition Fund

  The Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) welcomes the European Commission's proposal for a regulation establishing a Fair Transformation Fund (FST), an instrument crucial to Poland's energy transition. This is due to the fact that the costs of investments in the Polish energy sector necessary to implement the transformation amount to EUR 179-206 billion. It therefore requires more adequate measures tailored to the actual needs [...].