Position of the Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) on the Clean Industrial Deal and the Action Plan for Affordable Energy

PKEE z zadowoleniem przyjmuje Czysty Ład Przemysłowy i Plan Działania w zakresie Energii w Przystępnej Cenie koncentrujące się na konkurencyjności, transformacji energetycznej i tworzeniu wysokiej jakości miejsc pracy w Unii Europejskiej. Wierzymy, że propozycje Komisji Europejskiej mają na celu poprawę konkurencyjności sektora energetycznego, usprawnienie elektryfikacji branży, udzielenie wsparcia innowacyjności czystej technologii oraz zapewnienie uczciwej konkurencji w ramach UE. […]

The position of the Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) on grids for the purposes of the European Parliament's own-initiative report on grids

PKEE z ogromnym zadowoleniem przyjmuje inicjatywę Parlamentu Europejskiego dotyczącą przygotowania sprawozdania w zakresie sieci elektroenergetycznych. Odpowiednie warunki dla terminowego rozwoju sieci elektroenergetycznych mają kluczowe znaczenie zarówno dla bezpieczeństwa dostaw, jak i dla czystej, przystępnej cenowo i sprawiedliwej transformacji energetycznej Unii Europejskiej poprzez nowe przyłącza, unikanie zatorów i zapewnienie bezpiecznego działania systemu. PKEE proponuje uwzględnienie następujących […]

Polish Electricity Association comments on the Omnibus Package

Polski Komitet Energii Elektrycznej (PKEE) z zadowoleniem przyjmuje Pakiet Omnibus Komisji Europejskiej jako krok we właściwym kierunku. Całkowicie popieramy „rewolucję upraszczania” i wyczekujemy szczegółowych propozycji, które pozwolą odkryć nowe możliwości, innowacje i wzrost sektora energetycznego oraz całej gospodarki. Obciążenia administracyjne, regulacyjne i sprawozdawcze, z którymi zmagają się firmy w Unii Europejskiej są dodatkowymi przeszkodami na […]

The Polish Electricity Association’s position on the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on establishing a framework of measures for strengthening Europe’s net-zero technology products manufacturing ecosystem (Net-Zero Industry Act)

The Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE) welcomes the 2023 Carbon Neutral Industry Act presented by the European Commission on 16 March 2023. Carbon Neutral Industry Act, which supports the achievement of climate neutrality by 2050. Indeed, this initiative has the potential to result in increased competitiveness of EU industry, enable the creation of high quality jobs and provide a safer and more sustainable energy system. If [...]

The Polish Electricity Association’s position on the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on establishing a framework for ensuring a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials and amending Regulations (EU) 168/2013, (EU) 2018/858, 2018/1724 and (EU) 2019/1020

PKEE welcomes the draft proposal to reduce dependence and diversify imports of strategic raw materials. We believe that the proposal reinforces the autonomy of the supply of critical raw materials within the EU for net zero emission technologies. If properly implemented, this regulation could lead to increased production within the EU, thereby reducing production in other [...]

Comments from the Polish Electricity Association to draft report on the reform of the EU electricity market prepared by rapporteur Nicolás González Casares

14 May 2023. Nicolás González Casares, Spanish MEP for the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), published a draft report on the European Commission's Electricity Market Design (EMD) reform proposal. 23 May was the deadline for tabling amendments to the Commission's draft, with a total of 1117 amendments tabled by MEPs. Although, in principle, the EC's proposed [...]

Position of the Polish Electricity Association in response to European Commission’s call for evidence for an initiative “Heat pumps – action plan to accelerate roll-out across the EU”

The Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE) welcomes plans to accelerate the deployment of heat pumps across the European Union. Poland is already realising the potential of small heat pumps, with almost 200,000 new units sold in 2022 alone, an increase of 120% compared to 2021[1]. However, individual heat pumps should be considered as the primary source of heat [...].

Position of the Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) in response to European Commission’s proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulations (EU) No 1227/2011 and (EU) 2019/942 to improve the Union’s protection against market manipulation in the wholesale energy market

The Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE) welcomes the legislative initiative to increase transparency in the wholesale energy market and to develop new safeguards against market manipulation (REMIT). The revision of REMIT provides an opportunity to take a step towards improving the functioning of short-term markets. We believe that the revision of REMIT should be seen as an evolution, not a revolution. It is worth emphasising, [...]

Polish Electricity Association position on Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulations (EU) 2019/943 and (EU) 2019/942 as well as Directives (EU) 2018/2001 and (EU) 2019/944 to improve the Union’s electricity market design

The source of the current energy crisis is primarily a crisis in the energy fuel markets, not an inadequate energy market architecture. The current energy market model, based on the merit order mechanism and marginal cost pricing, rewards the most cost-effective solutions, provides reliable indicators of the energy market situation and, in many cases, enables the financing of new investments. It thus provides [...]

Position of the Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) regarding the REPowerEU chapters in recovery and resilience plans

The exceptional situation in the energy markets caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine requires Europe to revise its energy transition plans. We need to be better prepared to meet the new challenges while building energy security for the European Union as a whole and its individual regions. The current situation shows that there is no turning back from the path towards climate neutrality. However, we must not forget the various [...]