XI European Economic Congress in Katowice

This Monday marks the beginning of the XI European Economic Congress in Katowice - one of the most important events of this kind in Central Europe. Like every year, an international group of entrepreneurs, investors and experts, accompanied by politicians from Poland, the European Union and all over the world, will participate in a series of discussions and meetings, co-creating a broad current of European debate on key issues for the region. 

On the first day of the Congress the participants of the key session "PEP 2040. A long-term strategy for the Polish energy sector" will debate the perspectives for the Polish energy sector and the raw materials economy. The session, hosted by this year's ECE Partner - the Polish Electricity Association, will begin on 13 May at 12:30 p.m. in Ballroom A. The debate, with an introductory speech by Minister of Energy Krzysztof Tchórzewski, will be attended by presidents of the most important companies in the sector, who will discuss, among others, prospects and trends in the global energy industry, global climate policy and energy transition.