Category: Aktualności

Wojciech Dąbrowski appointed as President of the Management Board of the PKEE

Wojciech Dąbrowski, President of the Management Board of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna, has been appointed President of the Governing Board of the Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE). - I will strive to ensure that the Polish Electricity Committee effectively represents the Polish energy sector. One of my priorities is substantive and close cooperation with government administration, local authorities and representatives of the

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March 29, 2020

Position on the European Climate Law proposal

  The members of the Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE) are aware of the challenges of climate change and share the ambition of the European Commission to overcome them together. Therefore, the Polish energy sector is already preparing for a further sustainable transition, ensuring security of supply and affordable energy prices. However, achieving the ambitious goal of climate neutrality by

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March 3, 2020

Position on the Regulation establishing the Just Transition Fund

  The Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE) welcomes the European Commission's proposal for a regulation establishing the Fair Transformation Fund (FST), an instrument crucial to the implementation of the energy transition in Poland. This is due to the fact that the investment costs in the Polish energy sector necessary to realise the transformation amount to EUR 179-206 billion. It therefore requires more adequate

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February 18, 2020

Season's Greetings

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December 19, 2019

Communication on final agreement on Taxonomy

  On 5 December 2019, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU reached an agreement on the shape of a regulation to create a framework to facilitate sustainable investment, the most important objective of which is to establish a so-called Taxonomy at European Union level, introducing criteria to determine whether an economic activity is environmentally sustainable. The Council (COREPER) supported this

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December 19, 2019

Position paper on the European Green Deal

  The Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE) agrees with the need to make the transition to an innovative and low-carbon economy, with the assumption that, prior to the establishment of an EU binding climate neutrality target, a fair burden-sharing mechanism will be established with compensatory measures for Member States whose economies are dependent on coal. Realising the energy transition by achieving

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December 18, 2019

Position paper on the Just Transition Fund

The implementation of the currently debated and ambitious climate policy requires not only implementing instruments, but also significant funding. According to European Commission estimates, achieving the EU's climate and energy targets by 2030 will require annual investments of EUR 180 billion across the Union. Therefore, in order to make the transition to a climate-neutral economy, the following must be ensured

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December 15, 2019

In Brussels on the challenges to the energy sector

  "Energy & Climate Changemakers" was the title of an event organised by the editors of Politico with the support of the Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE). The meeting, attended by Ville Niinistö MEP and Miroslaw Kowalik, CEO of Enea and vice-president of the PKEE, took place on 6 November 2019 in Brussels. PKEE members follow global development trends

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November 5, 2019

A just energy transition in Poland - the study visit by Members of the European Parliament

A fair energy transition - this was the motto of the Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE), in cooperation with the Danish Energy Association, which organised a study visit by Polish and Danish members of the European Parliament to the Bełchatów Power Plant and Mine and Mount Kamieńsk. The purpose of the trip, which took place on 17 and 18 October 2019, was to present the

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October 17, 2019

The Vice-President of PKEE, Filip Grzegorczyk, spoke in Brussels about the fair energy transition

Discussing issues related to the transformation of the European energy sector by 2050 was the main objective of a debate organised by the European Energy Forum in cooperation with the Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE) and ČEZ. The meeting with the participation of European Union officials, members of the European Parliament and company representatives took place on 16 October 2019 in Brussels. Representing Poland

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October 15, 2019