758 billion euros have been allocated by European countries to protect energy consumers from the effects of the energy crisis caused by Russia's policies and its aggression against Ukraine . Despite the unprecedented expenditure, energy prices in some countries even rose by more than 100%. Poland allocated a relatively small amount of funds for this purpose (equivalent to EUR 12.4 billion), managing to
On 1 October 2023, the price of energy will be reduced for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), local governments and sensitive public utilities such as hospitals, schools and cultural institutions. Instead of - as before - PLN 785 per MWh, from next Sunday the price will be PLN 693 per MWh. Amendments to the Act on the Protection of
What is the biggest burden on the household budget? Only 11% of those surveyed[1] found the price of electricity problematic. The good news is that energy costs will be even lower - the limits of the electricity price freeze at last year's rates have been increased, and households will be able to save an extra £125 thanks to the discount introduced. September
Poles indicate that electricity prices are not the biggest challenge to the household budget. As shown by the results of a survey conducted by YOTTA on behalf of the PKEE, only 11% of respondents considered the price of electricity to be an issue. Although the increase in electricity prices and the cost of generating electricity is one of the problems faced by both the
The Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE) welcomes the 2023 Carbon Neutral Industry Act presented by the European Commission on 16 March 2023. Carbon Neutral Industry Act, which supports the achievement of climate neutrality by 2050. Indeed, this initiative has the potential to increase the competitiveness of EU industry, enable the creation of high quality jobs and provide safer
During the Power Summit in Brussels, Wojciech Dąbrowski, President of the Management Board of PKEE and PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna, raised key issues concerning Poland's energy security and pointed out that without ensuring energy security, it is not possible to achieve climate goals. During the debate 'Independent power system of the future - security of supply', President Wojciech Dąbrowski presented the
PKEE welcomes the draft proposal to reduce dependence and diversify imports of strategic raw materials. We believe that the proposal reinforces the autonomy of the supply of critical raw materials within the EU for net zero emission technologies. If properly implemented, this regulation could lead to increased production within the EU, reducing the
14 May 2023. Nicolás González Casares, Spanish MEP for the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), published a draft report on the European Commission's Electricity Market Design (EMD) reform proposal. 23 May was the deadline for tabling amendments to the Commission's draft, with a total of 1117 amendments tabled by MEPs. Although, what
The Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE) welcomes plans to accelerate the deployment of heat pumps across the European Union. Poland is already realising the potential of small heat pumps, with almost 200,000 new units sold in 2022 alone, an increase of 120% compared to 2021[1]. However, individual heat pumps should
Poles have been benefiting from the Solidarity Shield since autumn, thanks to which net electricity prices for households have not increased. All households in Poland are entitled to a limit of 2 000 kWh of consumption, up to which the cost of energy is more than half subsidised by the government and energy companies. There are also higher limits - up to 3 000 kWh