The Polish Electricity Association's position on the recast of the Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings
Ensuring the right requirements for buildings is essential to meeting climate targets and reducing the European Union's dependence on fossil fuel imports. However, the Polish Committee for Electrical Energy (PKEE) draws attention to the provisions on efficient district heating systems set out in the draft amendments to the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and to certain inconsistencies with other documents of the "Fit for 55" package. [...]
How to develop the heating sector to ensure better air quality?
Discussing the relationship between air quality and district heating systems and, in this context, outlining the changes proposed in the Energy Efficiency Directive was the main objective of a debate organised by Euractiv in cooperation with the Polish Electricity Association (PKEE). The meeting, attended by EU policy makers and representatives of Brussels associations, was held on 30 March 2022. Patryk Demski, Vice President [...]
In Brussels on the challenges to the ETS revision
Politico, with the support of the Polish Electricity Association (PKEE), organised an event on the revision of the directive on the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) . The meeting, which was attended by EU decision-makers and representatives of Brussels associations, took place on 28 March 2022. Paweł Cioch, Vice-President of the Management Board for Corporate Affairs of the PGE Group and a member of the PKEE Management Board, emphasised in his opening speech that [...]
Wojciech Dąbrowski, President of the Management Board of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna, commented on the statement by the Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans
The statement by the President of the European Parliament, Frans Timmermans, that coal cannot be a taboo subject when Europe is trying to become independent from Russian gas, is a de facto confirmation of Poland's position on a just transition. EU climate policy should aim to achieve a fair and wise, and not a wild, energy transition. It should take into account the diversification and use of natural resources without the Russian sphere of influence. Poland from [...]
Polish Electricity Association’s position on the Instrat Foundation Report concerning Coal-fired Power Plant Margins on Wholesale Electricity Prices
The Instrat Foundation's report on the margins made by coal-fired power plants on wholesale electricity prices does not give a complete picture of the situation, which can be misleading and does not allow proper conclusions to be drawn. The wholesale price on the electricity market is set by the most expensive unit entering the power system. This is the market mechanism for price formation in the energy market. Margins shaped [...].
Energy poverty: how to reduce inequalities?
Discussing issues related to high energy prices for end users was the main objective of a debate organised by Euractiv in cooperation with the Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE). The meeting, attended by European Union officials and representatives of Brussels associations, took place on 8 December 2021. Paweł Cioch, Vice President for Corporate Affairs of the PGE Group and Member of the PKEE Governing Board, who [...]
Polish Electricity Association position on a proposal for a Council directive restructuring the Union framework for the taxation of energy products and electricity
The Polish Committee for Electricity (PKEE) supports the alignment of taxation of energy products and electricity with the requirements of the EU climate policy, which will contribute to achieving the 2030 targets and climate neutrality by 2050. However, changes to the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD) must not result in even higher energy prices for consumers. In recent times, these prices [...]
The Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) position on the draft proposal for a directive amending Directive (EU) 2018/2001 as regards the promotion of energy from renewable sources
District heating and cooling Companies affiliated to PKEE are making a number of investments to replace existing coal-fired heat sources with highly efficient cogeneration sources using natural gas, as the possibility of using renewable energy sources in large district heating systems is limited. In these systems, natural gas-based cogeneration is the only realistic and available solution due to national [...]
The Polish Electricity Association position on the Commission’s proposal for a revision of the EU Emissions Trading System and the operation of a market stability reserve
PKEE members follow European trends in environmental protection, therefore they are committed to achieve climate neutrality and a 55% emission reduction target. This is particularly important in the context of analyses prepared, among others, by the Eurelectric association, which indicate that in order to achieve zero-emission in the entire economy by 2050, many sectors must be electrified, which is unrealistic in the face of [...]
PKEE's position on the Social Climate Fund
The Polish Electricity Association (PKEE) welcomes the initiative to establish a Social Climate Fund (hereafter "the Fund"), as it can support a fairer transition and reduce energy poverty. However, we note that the Fund, as proposed, will only be able to partially mitigate the effects of rising energy prices on households. The European Green Deal is a massive programme that [...]