Employees of all Polish energy sectors honoured on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Poland's regaining independence

The jubilee of Poland's regaining independence is a perfect opportunity to emphasize the role of people who with their commitment, professionalism and vast knowledge, often passed down from generation to generation, take care of the security, development and independence of our country. Their service connected with the extraction, production and supply of energy was honoured on 27 September during the ceremony "Polish Energy for the 100th Anniversary of Independence".

The ceremony "Polish Energy for the 100th Anniversary of Independence" is a unique event - for the first time representatives of all sectors related to the extraction, distribution and transmission of energy gathered in one place to honour the work of people, professionals, who have invariably contributed to the development of our economy for many years. Today we are meeting people to whom we all owe the fact that we have stable access to electricity and heat. Representatives of the entire sector, gathered with us, take care of us and our energy security with their everyday work - said the Minister of Energy, Krzysztof Tchórzewski about the ceremony.

The Polish energy sector was created from scratch 100 years ago. From the very beginning, people have been its greatest capital. Similarly, today, employees of the energy and fuels sector, often at the risk of their health, ensure the quality of life of the society and development of the economy, from small and medium enterprises to huge factories or production plants.

The ceremony "Polish Energy for the 100th Anniversary of Independence" was organised under the patronage of the Prime Minister, Minister of Energy, the Speakers of the Sejm and Senate by the Polish Electricity Association. The guests of the event were Speaker of the Sejm Mr. Marek Kuchciński, Minister of Energy Mr. Krzysztof Tchórzewski, employees and representatives of the industries connected to extraction, production and supply of energy to Polish houses, workplaces and means of communication. Outstanding employees of the sector received state awards in recognition of special merits granted by the President of the Republic of Poland Mr. Andrzej Duda. In turn, Minister Krzysztof Tchórzewski presented the departmental awards "For Merits to the Development of the Energy Sector", "Meritorious for the Mining Industry" and "Meritorious for the Oil and Gas Industry".

The event was also an opportunity to discuss education in the power industry. Training of future employees is one of the key challenges faced by the industry. It is not a coincidence that the event took place at the Warsaw University of Technology - a place called a breeding ground for professionals, which trains future generations of specialists responsible for the development of the Polish and European energy sector. Apart from the curricula for students and graduates, it is also very important to develop effective methods of conveying industry know-how already at the earlier stages of education.

The ceremony was attended by over 500 people. The most important guests of the event were employees of the energy sector, honoured for special achievements and commitment to work. Among those present there were representatives of the government and the biggest Polish companies gathered in PKEE - PGE, Tauron, Enea, Energa and Gaz-System, PSE, PGNiG, Orlen, Lotos, Zespół Elektrowni Wodnych Niedzica, Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, Polska Grupa Górnicza, Węglokoks, KGHM, Grupa Azoty S.A. Similar events are planned in the coming years.