Download: How_wygrac_ze_smogiem_Wielka_Debata_o_Smogu_w_TVP3_KatowicePobierz
"...What's more, not only does the power industry have an ever-decreasing impact on pollutant emissions (11 per cent share of PM2.5 and PM10 dust emissions and 0 per cent share of carcinogenic benzo(a)pyrene emissions - data from the report 'Energetics loves clean air' by the Polish Electricity Committee), but it also supports initiatives leading to improved air quality in Poland. This includes the introduction of low energy rates between 10 pm and 6 am, allowing access to cheap electricity for consumers who use
Press comment by the Polish Electricity Committee on the vote on amendments to the Electricity Market Regulation in the ITRE Committee The electricity market - are we heading in the right direction? The revision of the Electricity Market Regulation should set out clear rules to ensure that the internal market in electricity is not distorted.
The Polish Electricity Committee not only organises its own initiatives, but also provides honorary patronage for industry events. To apply for PKEE's honorary patronage of an initiative, send a completed application to the following e-mail address: [email protected] PKEE_Reguline_of_granting_honorary_patronageDownload PKEE_Application_for_granting_honorary_patronageDownload